Our first family Photo

Our first family Photo
Mama Daddy & Julen

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Morgan's birth story

btw DH= dear husband
DS= dear son
VBAC= vaginal birth after cesarean
LO= little one

Name: Olivia Morgan Glynn
Due date: June 16th, 2010
DOB: May 30th, 2010
Weight: 5lbs 11oz
Length: 18 ½ in long

At 1am on Sunday May 30th, 2010 with a really stiff contraction, this seemed oddly familiar (LOL). Anyways I stayed lying down for awhile to confirm what was really going on. All the while I’m trying to convince myself that I am not in labor and that I’m just getting my hopes up and I should just go back to sleep. I tried dozing off but I could not for the life of me get comfortable and I tossed and turned trying to get through the contractions that I was desperately trying to ignore. Eventually I knew I wasn’t going to be able to doze off so I jumped into the bathtub and the contractions didn’t stop. I woke up my husband and I told him that I was going to walk up and down the block a few times to see what happened. I began my walk and was timing the contractions and they were coming five minutes apart and getting stronger and lasting longer each time. I knew this was it and I needed to go back inside and make sure that my babysitter was still lined up and I had everything I needed.
When I got inside I noticed that my DH was sitting up in bed, he apparently couldn’t get back to sleep either. He got up and helped me double check the bags and get Julen up and ready to go to his grandma Rosie’s. Morgan’s God-mommy Crystal was unfortunately stuck at work and near having an aneurism trying to figure out how to get to the hospital. By the time Rosie and Bre’Anna arrived my contractions were already getting stronger and closer together but I figured I was going to be in this for the long haul since my labor with Julen was 17hours long! We got to the hospital and went up to L&D checking in to the bright faces of my midwives. When I got into the room I was put on the monitors (which had to be continuous due to my attempting a VBAC) and checked. I was 4-5cms and 80% effaced with baby at -1 station. I labored for a bit pacing then walking the halls with my DH who tried to keep my spirits up and was there for me when I felt myself start to panic. One strong contraction hit and he suggested we head back to the room since my pain was getting up there. When I reached the room they gave me the “just-in-case” IV port. I was checked again and I was at 6cms. By this point in time my labor was really starting to ramp up and I asked to get into the tub even though it had made my labor HELL with Julen.
When I got into the tub Donna helped me to get into a relaxed zone which worked so well I actually got through four or five really strong contractions by maintaining my focus. After that though things REALLY started to speed up, I could feel my cervix stretching with each and every contraction. The pressure started to increase and I actually began OHMing! The vocalization helped for a bit but then I knew things were getting intense. I was starting to get a little desperate for some relief and I started talking to Morgan telling her “down, down, down” and boy did she listen. My midwife wanted to check me to see where I was at and I knew it was time to get the f*** out of the tub! I barely made it to the bed and was checked when I was told that I was at 9cms and fully effaced. I was told that when Morgan pushed I could “push back” about 3 contractions later I started getting to the “I just want to be done and see my little girl!” stage. After a couple times “pushing back” my contractions were coming one on top of the other I was checked again quickly and was told I was complete and it was time to start pushing!
DH and a nurse held my legs as my midwife led directed pushing. I was scared that I was going to suck at it since it was my first time, I was actually told that I’m a “fantastic pusher” haha. I got a really bad case of hiccups mid pushing which in hindsight is hilarious! My husband was amazing, he helped me the most of anyone in the room. His eyes soothed me when I thought that I wanted to give up but he kept telling me I could do it and he could see her head and that our baby was almost there. Every time he looked down I could see the excitement welling in him and it spurred me on completely. I felt her starting to get close to crowning and the sensation put me into a zone where all I could think of was puuuuushing from that place and getting her out. An assisting nurse called out “aaaawe she has red hair!” to which I replied “WHAT?!?!?!??!” I broke my own water shortly after and then that made everything suddenly much more “real and close”. I pushed as hard as I can and I felt her crown I pushed three times through it and I threw my head back and DH said “she’s here!” It almost didn’t register to me and I whispered “what?” before looking back down and seeing my beautiful daughter in my midwife’s hands and I lost it. I was elated and full of the most indescribable happiness. I felt so accomplished, so strong, like I could do anything!
They put her to my chest and I just held her and told her how beautiful she was. She looked so small! I had her skin to skin and was just unbelievably emotional. It was such a difference from my son’s birth experience. She has been feeding well, she’s very tired and I’ve been hosting guests and trying to keep everything in order while trying to build that amazing bond with my baby. For you moms out there who are pregnant with your second baby and you may be thinking that you might not love your second as much as your first I SWEAR you will!
DS came and saw his little sister this evening, he’s still pretty much oblivious to her existence and I’m hoping that things go well when we go home. I’m gonna go now so I can take care of LO and try to get some rest GOOD LUCK GIRLS!!!

Julen's birth story (extended)

Julen Taylur Glynn Birth Story
Category: Life
Date: June 8th, 2009
Time: 7:42 pm
Weight: 7 pounds 11 ounces
Length: 19 inches
Emergancy Cesarean Section

At four am on monday june eighth i woke up and noticed that the silly contractions i had been having for a little over a week were suddenly very strong and painful. I paged my midwife and she was excited to tell me that this was the real deal. Anyways, my mom and her boyfriend Donny picked us up and we headed for the hospital. When we arrived i was checked at at four centimeters and contracting very nicely. Over the next few hours i sat in the bath tub or walked around. I asked for something to take the edge off and they gave me fentanel. It worked nicely for awhile and i felt good but my labor was progressing very slowly so it was decided that they were going give me an epidural and Oxytosin to get things moving. I started to dilate a tiny bit faster but hey progress is progress. After what seemed like all day i was happy that i had reached nine centimeters. At this point courtney, his mother, his sister and my mom were present. But that is when things started to go very wrong. Julen's heart disappeared off the monitors the nurse called in for back up suddenly there were ten more people in my room and all they could say was c section. They wheeled me down the hallways with courtney followin dressing in his sterile gown. They transfered me from the bed to the operating table strapped me down and knocked me out. I woke a few hours later to hear that he could not breathe on his own and needed to be hooked be machines and must be transferred to emanual hospital immediately. I got to see my son for twenty seconds and then he was gone. Courtney and his family followed the ambulance and i was sent to recovery alone. Later in the night julen's condition improved but he will be in nictu for the next four days. I'm being discharged to join him tomorrow. He is seven pounds eleven ounces and his five minute apgar score was a three. Courtney got to touch him, tomorrow is my turn.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Now that I have my blog set up for mobile maybe i'll get more posts in =] right now i'm sitting on the couch watching Julen dance around in his diaper. My mom is in town from arizona and my sister should be here tonight as well i'm very excited. Mother's day is coming up, honestly idk what to do for it. I need to start cleaning my house so it looks somewhat presentable for my expected guests lol.


So i've come to the conclusion that I'm not a very good blogger. I haven't made a post since I was in my third trimester with my son Julen and I am now in my third trimester with my daughter Morgan. She's probably going to be born by cesarean section on June 14th, 2010.

Life has definitely gone interestingly to say the least.

Julen was born June 8th, 2009. I had an emergancy cesarean because his cord was wrapped around his neck. He was in the NICU for about a week and a half and was a complete miracle. They told us that he was going to either die, go into a coma, be mentally retarded, or suffer from debilatating seizures for his entire life. He, I'm very glad to say has done none of those things. He's now eleven months old and the happiest person I know. That boy is my everything, he's the glue that holds my world together.

Courtney and I are divorcing. It's one of the hardest things in my life that I've ever had to handle. With each day that goes on I realize that much more how much I love him and how terribly I'm going to miss everything we shared. We're trying to maintain a good relationship which I think we're doing an impeccable job at. He and I are getting along more now than we have in quite some time. He's going to obviously be there for the birth of our daughter and i'm glad. Even though he won't be in my life anymore I'll always have a piece of him, our children. I hope that he will be happy and that his life will turn out well for him. I just hate how much its hurting me. Everyday is a struggle for me but I put on a happy face and I just get through it. I have to change the subject now.

More about my little Julen ("bubba") He's walking now and has the six most adorable teeth I've ever seen. His upper teeth have this hilarious little gap in them it makes his smile that much more amazing. He is honestly the most stunning human being I've ever seen, and I'm not just saying that since he's my son if I saw any other person on earth carrying him around i would just be flabbergasted at his beauty. I hope our little girl looks like him but I know she'll be gorgeous no matter what.

If Morgan is born on June 14th like we planned our little ones will be 371 days apart!!!

I'm graduating in June I'm doing the extended campus program at Lewis & Clark Alternative school and I'll be starting Apollo College in September. I'm really scared but it's something that definitely needs to be done. I used to be so excited for school, now all i really want to do is just be at home with my babies. I'm going to miss the lifestyle i had as a housewife.

Julen wants some Mommy and Me time now... I'll try and post more often. =/


Friday, April 10, 2009

Let's catch up!

Good evening,

It's been quite awhile since my last post and so much has changed. I'm now 31 weeks along with our little boy and only a week away from the wedding day! Courtney and I plan on moving to Portland, Oregon with our good friends Madison and Tucker. Madison is the mother of our godson Jacoby, I'm very happy to be living with them again since I miss them all so much and then my son will have a friend to grow up with.

I've decided I'm going to return to highschool next year and earn a full diploma instead of simply an adult diploma. This school year did not go the way I planned at all, but in the end I'm not at all disappointed with this decision since it's for the sake of education, and I will be able to enroll my son into my highschool's daycare program so that Courtney will have those hours free for work.

I've learned a lot this year, there is no amount of money that isn't worth finding out who you can and cannot trust.

Blood itself may be thicker than water, but the bonds you make with friends can be stronger than anything you have with your relatives. No one should be made to appreciate a family member that would sooner leave them for dead simply because they were born into that group of people.

I will do anything, to help my child, no matter what it means for me. I will never expect them to pay me for my love and my money "lost" raising them.

Home is where the heart is, and sometimes that means your home is in someone's arms.

Never, ever, in a million years, give up, ever!

There is more, BUT I think I would be going on for quite some time.


Tuesday, January 20, 2009



I'm Ashley Blaylock soon to be Mrs. Ashley Glynn. "Who is Mr. Glynn?" you may ask, well Courtney Glynn is who! He and I have been dating for 9 months now and we've been friends since the beginning of high school. He's the best man I have ever known and he means the world to me. He proposed on Midnight on New Years Eve and completely made my new year. We will be getting married on our one year anniversary April 17Th, 2009! We are going to be having a courthouse wedding and then planning our dream ceremony to take place a few years later.

Anyways, this blog is going to be filled with the many tales of our growing family. On October 6Th, 2008 we found out that we were going to be expecting our first baby. We were very excited and started planning for everything we would need to accomplish between then and the day our darling little baby would be coming home with us.

I must say during my first trimester I was very lucky, I didn't suffer from the terrible morning sickness that I had heard so much about. I had brief nausea in the morning but never spent my whole day worshiping the porcelain goddess. I craved many foods specifically meats. I was blessed with a hearty appetite early on and was able to keep most everything down. Sometimes though my meals revolved around delicious ginger ale and saltine crackers. I knew that I was pregnant long before I took the test I just felt different and I had this sneaking suspicion that wouldn't die down no matter how I tried to argue it. I was a sobbing emotional wreck for the first couple of weeks, movies made me cry at the drop of a hat and I was definitely crying over spilt milk.

Along with the cravings for fruits, vegetables, and water in my second trimester came the first ultrasound! This happened on January 9Th, 2009 and we found out that we were expecting a son. He will be named Julen Taylur Glynn. His due date was originally June 8Th but was moved to June 6Th after the ultrasound but i could care less as long as our little one is born happy and healthy. I have a ways to go until that thrird trimester I hear so much about but I'm going to love each and every day until then! Oh, and one more thing we should be having another ultrasound in about a month and a half and I am more than excited. I can't wait to see my little boy again =]

-Til next time,